Park’s Taekwondo

Grow Your Martial Arts Business Without Pen & Paper

Wodify Core
Classes Per Week
Student Growth

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

What’s a Rich Text element?

Static and dynamic content editing

Static and dynamic content editing

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Switched from: Atlas
Key Business Need: Belt Tracking, Automated Billing, and Attendance Tracking


Prior to switching to Wodify, Park’s was using Atlas as a Martial Arts management software. Maggie Kulig, a full-time mom by day and the full-time Park’s Taekwondo Manager by night, was frustrated by Atlas as it was not fulfilling her needs: “We still had to do everything on paper”. 

The most important piece of managing a Martial Arts business is being able to effectively teach students. In order to do this, you must be able to connect with and keep track of your students’ progress and attendance. Kulig was missing out on both of these factors due to the inefficiency of the software tools she had. 

Kulig not only wanted Martial Arts platform that would save her time but also that would allow her to spend more time on the mat with students as she knows a better student experience means a better student retention rate. She wanted all-in-one platform that had automated billing, attendance tracking, and belt & level tracking

Wodify x Parks TKD Promotion Testing


After a conversation with one of our product consultants, Kulig decided to make the switch to Wodify's Customer Retention Platform. Transitioning to Wodify has allowed Kulig to spend more time with her family and her students and less time writing notes down on paper and completing recurring tasks like billing each month. 

“Wodify has made it easy to find out who has not been attending classes which helps to check-in on our members. It also has made our billing process automatic so we don’t have to run cards every month”. 

When managing a Martial Arts studio it is easy to get overrun with small tasks and lose track of what you need to do. Making a billing mistake could result in losing a customer, which is why automation is so important and why Wodify's Customer Retention Platform saves time and money for Park’s Taekwondo. 

Park’s has enjoyed Wodify’s attendance integration with belt & level tracking so they can easily see who has been missing classes and reach out to those students. Maggie utilizes attendance tracking so students and parents can easily see their progress within the Wodify Mobile App. This visibility allows them to be aware of how they can increase their rank and when they will be ready for a promotion, whether that means attending certain classes or mastering specific movements. Martial Arts business owners and instructors also have the ability to customize progression levels with their school’s rank system requirements.


Today, Park’s Taekwondo has been using Wodify's CRP for over 8-months and has realized just how important a CRP is to running a Martial Arts business. Because of Wodify’s ease of use, Kulig even gets to give her students the extra responsibility of updating their Progression trackers after class. She says: “We threw away the paper cards…it was easy enough that I was able to explain it to one of our 9-year-old students and she checks the trackers off for me after class”! Maggie Kulig and her team could not be more proud of the business they are running. 

“Our favorite part of working with Wodify is their customer service. If I have any questions, no matter how small, there is always someone ready to help me out. It has been amazing to be able to work with a company that cares about the needs of our business going forward, and is actively working on making things easier for us. I have had countless video chats with the Wodify staff and they have always made me feel like my questions have been answered, and my issues addressed.”

Maggie Kulig

Manager of Park’s Taekwondo

You can learn more about Wodify’s All-in-One Customer Retention Platform here by scheduling a call with one of our experts!

Grow your Martial Arts business with Wodify Core today

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