Beyond Strength & Endurance
We hear it all the time: "My gym isn’t full of Games athletes—we just want to be healthier and fitter." So, what matters more—a big name on your programming or members having fun and seeing results? Help your members hit PRs without breaking their bodies.
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Beyond Strength & Endurance: Helping Your Members Break Personal Records without Breaking Their Bodies.

Here’s what you’ll get with Beyond Strength & Endurance:

  • A consistent class experience. Classes shouldn’t run over or only have eight minutes of work. Programming too much volume or not enough movement time is unacceptable.
  • Balance in training. Every day, every week, every training cycle should be on purpose and have a progression. Plus, mix and match with two track options: CrossFit (all things “CrossFitty”) and Strength & Endurance (no high-skill gymnastics or Olympic lifting)
  • Better member results. Programming for longevity means fitter members with less injuries. We’re not trying to wreck people. Your gym grows when you have happy members.
  • Creativity and fun. Training should be fun! Want your members to be consistent and tell all their friends? Creative scaling options and logistics create a kick-ass class experience.
  • Better coaching experience. Help your team fall in love with coaching again. GTFOH with “extensive coaches notes.” Nobody reads those novels. With Beyond, you’ll get only what you need to know to lead effective classes.
  • The “Cool Kids Club” perks. Beyond has fun perks like an accessory store, workout vault, travel WODs, athlete levels, gym posters and more. Because at Beyond, you’re a VIP. And VIPs get perks.

With Beyond Affiliate programming, you can choose between two different daily tracks, or mix and match according to what your members need. The best part is it’s not either/or! The CrossFit track and the Strength & Endurance track are created to run alongside each other in a one-hour class, with correlating time frames. That means everyone in class is getting what they need, but working hard TOGETHER.

Click here to see an overview of our 2025 training plan.

Beyond Strength & Endurance: Helping Your Members Break Personal Records without Breaking Their Bodies.
Includes access to all 11 Mayhem Affiliate Programs
CrossFit Track

The Hybrid (CrossFit) Track is geared more toward gyms that prefer CrossFit style training, including strength, Olympic lifting, gymnastics and energy systems modalities.

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Catered to a more competitive gym environment, the Compete Path includes high-skill gymnastics progressions and Olympic lifts. MetCons are catered to those who want to perform well in the CrossFit Open at an amateur level. The Compete Path will also include workouts with various types of machines, rope climbs, GHD sit-ups, and other movements traditionally seen in CrossFit qualifiers and competitions.

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Access to ALL Programs

This includes access to all Beyond Affiliate programming:
CrossFit Track, Strength & Endurance Track.

Additional resources included:
More about Beyond Strength & Endurance

At Beyond Strength & Endurance, we haven’t spent extensive hours on the competition floor. Instead, we've spent the last 20 years in gym ownership, coaching, programming, and doing research to create kick-ass programming for your gym.

We don’t believe that modifications should be treated like an Excel formula. For example, ring rows should not always be the modification for pull-ups, or hanging knee raises for Toes to Bar, or pike push-ups for HSPU, etc. Therefore, we provide unique options to not only meet each athlete where they are, but also take variety and equipment into consideration for a better class experience.

We also don’t believe in “extensive coaches’ notes.” We know your team won’t read pages upon pages of notes, or watch lengthy videos. Therefore, we provide only the important information. Our notes ensure your coaches know what the goal of each section of class is, and how to effectively communicate that to the members.

Sign up by February 15th, 2020
You can win a visit by Michèle Letendre to your gym for a coaching session and member party!*
*Winners will be notified via email within 7 days of the end of this promotion.
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